
Welcome to my wargaming blog,
I'm Dave and live in Morpeth, Northumberland in the UK.
This may or may not be a regular thing, we'll just have to see how it goes.

I am a painter/collector of figures first and a wargamer second. My thrill in this great hobby of ours is to place that final well researched & painted unit into the cabinet. The actual gaming with the figures is an important but secondary experience, we all like to win, but it isn't the be all and end all of it, being with good friends and having fun is.
Hope you will enjoy reading this blog as much as I will writing in it.
Just to remind the visitor to scroll down the various pages and click on 'older posts' to see more.

Sunday, 8 March 2015

законченный - that's finished in Russian.

Thank gawd for that. Hey don't get me wrong I'm not sick of painting, the're lovely figures and I've enjoyed doing them, but damn I want to paint my own stuff again. The money was going to be put towards loads of lovely wargames stuff but as usual life gets in the way of petty things like playing with toy soldiers.
My son anounced that he is getting married sometime in 2017, so time to get saving towards making a contribution. My three lads are well up and getting on with their lives but for any young parents out there, don't think you are ever going to stop paying out, not moaning just stating a fact.
Right the final photos of Tom's SYW Russian 15mm figures (see previous posts for details).

Dismounted Horse Grenadier/Dragoons:

Gruzinskiy Hussars:

Moldavskiy Hussars:

Finally a couple of pictures of the completed army in Tom's boxes:

Now on with some 15mm French Nap infantry, horray!!!