
Welcome to my wargaming blog,
I'm Dave and live in Morpeth, Northumberland in the UK.
This may or may not be a regular thing, we'll just have to see how it goes.

I am a painter/collector of figures first and a wargamer second. My thrill in this great hobby of ours is to place that final well researched & painted unit into the cabinet. The actual gaming with the figures is an important but secondary experience, we all like to win, but it isn't the be all and end all of it, being with good friends and having fun is.
Hope you will enjoy reading this blog as much as I will writing in it.
Just to remind the visitor to scroll down the various pages and click on 'older posts' to see more.

Monday, 1 January 2018

10mm French artillery batteries.

Firstly a very happy new year to anyone daft enough to want to look at the ramblings of this crotchety old git from a fairly remote bit of northern England, this internet business never ceases to amaze me!

Two 10mm French 'batteries' though in the Blucher rules they are primarily based for they are a concentration of 3-4 batteries. These are Pendraken figures, one 8pdr and one 12pdr:

Getting there with all of these little guys, speaking of which what did I get done and what do I fancy doing this year?
2017 saw all of my 28mm ancients re based, no small task in itself but this does mean they will be used a lot more, 10mm Cesarean are just about complete and a campaign is still ongoing (I will get back to that I promise!) and the above 10mm Napoleonics advanced. A few other bits and bobs but not worth mentioning.
2018, well no schedule and no promises but, definitely finish the 10mm naps so that I have two armies for Blucher.
I'd like to progress with 10mm WSS lots of figures there but to be honest I'm contemplating re-basing them, I know, I know but the driver would be adapting General d'Armee for this period so we'll see.
28mm French Revolution could do with a certain amount of re basing, mainly the French infantry into eights so that they can be used for Sharp Practice as well as General d'Armee, make all of the 1794 flags replaceable with 1791 and/or 1805 ones. I would loosen the existing flags so that they could be replaced with the new ones depending on the period being played. I might sell the Elite Austrian hussars as at 30mm they are just too big, you can get away with the infantry but not cavalry. New French light infantry would be needed for 1791, but I have a cunning plan, I'll let you know!
Temptation is to also get back into 15mm Franco Prussian war, I've plenty of painted figures but again would like a General d'Armee adaptation.
What I want and what I'll get done are two very different things, we'll see.
Anyway as I said, all the best folks.


  1. Your napoleonics are beautiful - happy New Year

  2. Wonderful job Dave, very impressive at this scale...And Happy New Year!

  3. Thanks to you both guys, all the best.

  4. Great looking artillery, Dave. Happy New Year!

  5. I can see the attraction with 10mm Dave, yours still look very good at this scale and you get to play the big battles. Having said that, I look forward to seeing your rebased 28mm ready for Sharp Practice.
    Happy New Year

    1. Cheers Pat, hope I can get round to do it, so much to do so little time to do it!

  6. Great looking Napoleonics Dave. Re your flags. I have seen a very neat way to have interchangeable flags.Either use thin brass rod or thin plastic rod which is available from good model shops. Wrap your interchangeable flags around the rod and then fit a piano wire to your standard bearer. The rod fits over the top of the wire and looks good. Worth the effort and neater than what you propose.

    1. Thanks Robbie, damned good idea, I shall give that some serious thought.

  7. It's really beautifull !
    Bravo !
    As say a friend of mine "good 6mm... is 10mm !"

  8. Hi Sir! Beautiful work! What size are your bases? Are they 3” x2”?

    Thx for any info!

    Mike Hammind
