
Welcome to my wargaming blog,
I'm Dave and live in Morpeth, Northumberland in the UK.
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I am a painter/collector of figures first and a wargamer second. My thrill in this great hobby of ours is to place that final well researched & painted unit into the cabinet. The actual gaming with the figures is an important but secondary experience, we all like to win, but it isn't the be all and end all of it, being with good friends and having fun is.
Hope you will enjoy reading this blog as much as I will writing in it.
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Wednesday 7 September 2022

Shevardino redoubt.10.00 - 11.20 hrs pt 3

 The third instalment sees the French repulsing a couple of Russian cavalry charges on their far right flank whilst pushing into the Shevardino redoubt with Vasserot's brigade of line. Will the Russians hold or fade like snow in summer, very poetic eh!

General De Armee doesn't set a fixed time period per turn but I went with 20 minutes which given that the encounter was partially set up with the French having deployed their grand battery already at the start would make the first turn at 09.00.

A general overview photo of the action at around 10.00. Initial French attempts to occupy the woods in the foreground have only been partially successful as the 1st battalion of the 15th Leg got too near the edge and were blown away by the Russian line. The centre presses on while a cavalry melee is about to take place on the far end of the field. P.S. ignore Captain Mainwaring sitting in the top right of the photo, bit freaky maybe but he talks when you squeeze him - brilliant!

The two Arakcheyev Grenadier battalions who blew away French Leaguers as they advanced through the woods, threw an 11 and a 9 with each volley!

The French light infantry battalion after getting hammered and retreating.

Five battalions of Vasserot's 17th line advancing towards the badly damaged Russian battery in the redoubt.

The two French batteries, one horse and one foot badly beat up by the Russian heavy battery in the redoubt.

On the far left a cavalry engagement takes place as the unformed Russian Dragoons meet French lancers charging with 'elan'.

The French see em off!

The two Russian Rgts fall back behind their horse battery to re-group.

In the mean time the rather splendid looking Russian Cuirassier brigade forces Buquet's 30th line into squares, a standoff in the centre.

On the French right a second Russian cavalry charge is repulsed.

Is this the breakthrough/ French skirmishers drive off the damaged Russian battery, the Two Russian battalions in the centre throw crap dice and loose fire discipline (hence the smoke marker), they are now vulnerable to a charge by the French next turn.

Another view of the action around the redoubt.

Fine lads, fine lads.

The reserve Moscow Opolchenye brigade swings left to help repulse the French.

Tempting to charge eh!

After three 'Hesitant' rolls the Russian reserve on their right flank finally get off their backsides and begin to move towards the centre, are they too late?

Next time peeps.


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