
Welcome to my wargaming blog,
I'm Dave and live in Morpeth, Northumberland in the UK.
This may or may not be a regular thing, we'll just have to see how it goes.

I am a painter/collector of figures first and a wargamer second. My thrill in this great hobby of ours is to place that final well researched & painted unit into the cabinet. The actual gaming with the figures is an important but secondary experience, we all like to win, but it isn't the be all and end all of it, being with good friends and having fun is.
Hope you will enjoy reading this blog as much as I will writing in it.
Just to remind the visitor to scroll down the various pages and click on 'older posts' to see more.

Thursday, 21 November 2024

10mm Ancient Germans

 I generally find painting any non-uniformed troops a struggle so wading my way through these lads did take a bit of time. There are enough to constitute a allied force within the Roman armies but I think I will have to paint up the same number again to fight them as a stand alone army. I have a few archer and cavalry units to add but they will  to wait a bit for my eyesight to recover!

All figures Steve Barber

Something less taxing next time.



  1. A fine body of troops, a good visual reward for all the hard work.

  2. These look great! I am currently working my way through EIR Roman's and Ancient Britons from Cromarty Forge, also 10mm, but in my case they are 3d printed. I too find the Britons more challenging than the uniformed legionaries!

  3. Very nice work on them, they look great en masse, they look nice figures too, never really seen these before.

    1. Not keen on the guys with clubs but they bulk the numbers up Donnie.

  4. Very impressive Dave. Get the next batch done, they'll look great en mass

    1. Cheers Scotty, I see you have been very busy as usual!
