
Welcome to my wargaming blog,
I'm Dave and live in Morpeth, Northumberland in the UK.
This may or may not be a regular thing, we'll just have to see how it goes.

I am a painter/collector of figures first and a wargamer second. My thrill in this great hobby of ours is to place that final well researched & painted unit into the cabinet. The actual gaming with the figures is an important but secondary experience, we all like to win, but it isn't the be all and end all of it, being with good friends and having fun is.
Hope you will enjoy reading this blog as much as I will writing in it.
Just to remind the visitor to scroll down the various pages and click on 'older posts' to see more.

Thursday, 20 March 2025

Up, up and away. 28mm French Rev balloon.

 This French Revolutionary collection has been ongoing for twenty five years or so, no Eureka, Warlord or as they are now Skytrex figures when I began, only 1800 -1807 bicorn Old Glory and some Foundry. Not perfect but you had to make do. As you can see from the link to the other posts of the French Revolutionary collection Here it consists of many figures from different manufacturers but from day one I wanted a balloon. The paintings of these battles sometimes showed these fantastic, colourful observation platforms lording it over the battlefield and I wanted one. Twenty five years later I got my act together and scratch built the thing.

At first I thought there must be someone out there who produces and sells a balloon from this period but nothing seemed to match what I wanted. Given that most people who peruse this blog know fine well that I ain't no great shakes at modelling it wasn't looking good but I am I have to say quite pleased with the result.

The balloon itself is a polystyrene craft ball sealed and painted, my wife suggested the black hair net! The basket is made from card with garden string weaved in between the upright struts and the various ropes are wires for support. Figures and flags added and there you go.

It's going to take some very careful packing to allow me to transport it to the club when I get round to putting a game on though!



  1. Super work, you should be pleased with yourself, very nice piece of modelling. It should look great on the table.
